Randy Clinkscale


How were you introduced to the Church of Christ?

As a teenager, following my family’s long standing example of faith in God, I became a fifth generation member of the Lord’s church at 37th St. Church of Christ in Omaha, NE.

I have always had a strong desire to be a worker in the Lord’s church, and have always had an affinity for working in the area of finance. This began at 37th St. where I was the youth treasurer, with the responsibility of taking up a weekly collection, counting it and presenting monthly financial position reports to the congregation. That interest grew over time and it led me to pursue a degree in accounting from Southern University in Baton Rouge, LA.  Upon graduating in 1988, I moved to Atlanta and shortly thereafter began worshiping with the saints at West End.

My Favorite Scripture:

My inspiration is the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30. I never want to think of my talents as being buried or underutilized. At the end of the day, I would like for my talents to be maximized to their greatest potential and for God to receive the glory. 

Randy worships with his wife Kesha and they have two children.


William Eddins


R. McKinney