Albert Hines, Jr


How were you introduced to the Church of Christ?

My wife of more than twenty years, introduced me to the Church. I attended church service with her, where she and some others asked me why do I take communion. That question kicked off our Bible study discussions. She shared 1 Corinthians 11 with me and I asked for further study. After hearing the Word, I knew that it was the truth and was baptized.

A leader in the Church had faith in me and asked that I repay him by doing for others what he had done for me. I eventually became a deacon in October 2006.  As a deacon, I am challenged with giving too much of myself. I’ve been told, “You’re too giving to a fault”, but I just choose to be a good “doer” in His vineyard.

My Favorite Scripture:

My favorite scripture has recently changed to Psalms 23.  For in it. I’m encouraged to stay a faithful child of God, a sheep being led by the shepherd.

Albert worships with his wife Dovie and they have two adult children.


Marion Clark


Jaha Howard