Marion Clark
How were you introduced to the Church of Christ?
I grew up going to a Baptist church. It seemed that every time the church doors were opened, my family and I were walking through them. It was years later after attending several worship services with my uncle that I asked the question “What is the difference in being baptized in this church and the Baptist church. He then taught me the difference and I was baptized that next Sunday.
As my knowledge of the church and the importance of the leadership role and its functions grew, my desire to become a deacon grew. My priority is to ensure that I’m meeting the needs of the congregation.
My Favorite Scripture:
Proverbs 22:6 is my favorite scripture because when I was younger my dad would make my brothers and I read scriptures out loud every night before we went to bed. As I got older, I did not depart from that training.
Marion worships with his wife Tina and they have three children.