Bill Moore
How were you introduced to the Church of Christ?
The best decision I ever made was to allow my mother, the late Sis. Ossie M. Porter, to expose me to God’s plan of salvation and to teach me the importance of obeying His precepts.
What she taught was further corroborated by the renowned Bro. John H. Clay at a tent meeting which I attended in Panama City, Florida. I was amazed by the similarities of what she taught and the message he delivered regarding God’s plan of salvation. My heart was pricked and I was compelled to obey. My mother planted the seed, Bro. Clay watered it, and God gave the increase (1 Corinthians 3: 6). My Christian journey then began at the Glenwood Church of Christ.
I accepted the charge to become one of the shepherds while attending the West End Church of Christ, and now as an Elder, I am forever obligated and committed to look out for the souls of God’s sheep (Hebrews 13:17).
My Favorite Scripture:
The steps of a good man is ordered by the Lord and He delighteth in his way (Psalm 37:23)
Bill worships with his wife Veronica and they have five adult children.