Floyd Williams
How were you introduced to the Church of Christ?
My Christian walk commenced just after graduating from college. I began studying with my wife, who had been a member of the West End Church of Christ for about a year. I attended services with her and continued to study with Wesley Brown and eventually obeyed the gospel one Wednesday evening during Bible class.
One of the influencing factors of becoming a member of the Church of Christ was just watching some of the older brothers who were dedicated to Christ and how they were different from most of the men I knew growing up. Watching these men become strong leaders in the church inspired me to be more like them. I began to shadow these men when they would visit the sick, or clean someone’s yard or handle the duties at the church building, so much so, that I was performing as a deacon even before I became one. I continued as a deacon to the best of my ability and when the opportunity to become an elder arose, even though some felt I was too young, I accepted the role.
My Favorite Scripture:
The scripture that I like to live by is Galatians 6:7. Every day we sow seeds, which can be positive or negative. It is a guarantee that whatever we sow, we will reap. If we understand that principle then we are more thoughtful with the decisions that we make.
Floyd worships with his wife Carla and they have two adult children.