William Johnson
How were you introduced to the Church of Christ?
My Christian walk began with my wife introducing me to Bro. Wesley Brown and the West End Church of Christ. Bro. Brown was kind enough to give me a personal Bible study, and from that point on, I knew the truth and was dedicated to walking in the Word.
In 1991, I was ordained as an elder. I make my commitment as an elder an integral part of who I am. I must be able to put criticism in its proper perspective. I must be a good listener on the one hand and a clear thinker on the other. Lastly, I must be a visionary who leads with conviction and with an eye on the future.
My Favorite Scripture:
The scripture that most inspires me is Proverbs 3:3-7 because it reminds me to trust God in all my affairs both by faith and prayer.
William worships with his wife Gayron and they have three adult children.
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